WEBVTT 00:05.000 --> 00:10.000 A UV light water treatment system allows water to flow around a UV lamp, 00:10.000 --> 00:13.000 inactivating bacterial cells. 00:13.100 --> 00:14.000 Just like rays from the sun, 00:14.000 --> 00:17.000 this concentrated UV light can be dangerous, 00:17.000 --> 00:19.000 so the system includes a protective case. 00:19.000 --> 00:23.000 The UV radiation will not have a residual impact on the water. 00:24.000 --> 00:28.000 Ultraviolet, or UV light, uses radiation to disinfect. 00:29.000 --> 00:32.000 As water passes through a tube, it’s exposed to ultraviolet light. 00:33.000 --> 00:36.000 When water is exposed to light for enough time, 00:36.000 --> 00:39.000 microbes in the water are exposed to UV radiation. 00:39.000 --> 00:43.000 This changes the DNA of microbial cells, killing them. 00:44.000 --> 00:47.000 Because cells have to be exposed to enough light, 00:47.000 --> 00:49.000 it’s important to control flow rate 00:49.000 --> 00:51.000 and make sure all water is exposed for enough time. 00:52.000 --> 00:56.000 If water flows too quickly, UV light can’t disinfect it. 00:56.000 --> 00:58.000 If water is too dirty or turbid, 00:58.000 --> 01:01.000 the UV light won't be able to pass through to work properly. 01:02.000 --> 01:07.000 Many UV systems will have an option to include a sensor that monitors how much 01:07.000 --> 01:08.000 UV light is passing through the water. 01:09.000 --> 01:10.000 This is an important feature 01:10.000 --> 01:13.000 and should be included in any treatment system 01:13.000 --> 01:16.000 to verify the water is not too dirty for effective treatment. 01:16.000 --> 01:18.000 If the system is not self-cleaning, 01:18.000 --> 01:21.000 clean the quartz glass tube regularly. 01:21.000 --> 01:24.000 UV light systems don’t require a lot of maintenance, 01:24.000 --> 01:26.000 but it is critical that this glass tube is clean, 01:26.600 --> 01:29.000 or the light won’t reach the water properly. 01:29.000 --> 01:32.000 It can be hard to know if this tube is clean enough. 01:32.000 --> 01:35.000 This is another reason why systems with added UV sensors 01:35.000 --> 01:38.000 are highly recommended for monitoring. 01:38.000 --> 01:41.000 You validate the system when it is initially installed. 01:41.000 --> 01:43.000 Be sure to check water flow rates 01:43.000 --> 01:45.000 so that water is not moving too fast. 01:45.000 --> 01:48.000 And also check the cloudiness or turbidity of the water 01:48.000 --> 01:50.000 to make sure the UV light will be effective. 01:50.000 --> 01:54.000 Every time the system is operated, you will need to monitor it. 01:54.000 --> 01:57.000 You will want to make sure that the UV sensor is 01:57.000 --> 02:00.000 detecting adequate UV intensity through the water. 02:00.000 --> 02:03.000 This criteria will be established by the system manufacturer 02:03.000 --> 02:05.000 and is one reason why a sensor is important. 02:06.000 --> 02:08.000 Check to make sure the lamp is powered on, 02:08.000 --> 02:10.000 and that the flow rate is set appropriately. 02:11.000 --> 02:14.000 Verify that your system is working as expected. 02:14.000 --> 02:17.000 Observe the employee monitoring the system, 02:17.000 --> 02:20.000 calibrate the UV sensor per manufacturer recommendations, 02:20.000 --> 02:22.000 collect water samples, 02:22.000 --> 02:25.000 send them to the lab for microbiological analysis, 02:25.000 --> 02:28.000 and review and document the results that the lab passes along. Note this is the last line of the file.